Fantail Flo’s M-24 review

February 14, 2018

Fantail Flo’s M-24 review

As a relatively new brand, M-24 relies on customer feedback to grow and better our products. It’s the reason our bags have evolved through so many different iterations.

blue and white backpack by m24 bags

Occasionally, our customers will even write reviews about our products.

One of our most recent reviews appeared on the blog Fantail Flo. A couple of weeks ago, blogger Flo published a glowing review of two of our products. Flo is a 24-year-old student living in the UK. Her blog is full of great photos and product write-ups on everything from vegan shoes to vibrant socks.

The M-24 products Flo chose to review were a blue and white Medium Rolltop and our gold coloured A4 Doc case.

Flo talks about ‘immaculate manufacturing’, ‘vibrant’ colours and our products’ ability to ‘withstand tough environments’ in her review. Head over to her blog and read it for yourself.

Thank you for the kind words, Flo. And enjoy your new bags.


Max White